[PDF] Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes All Pages

Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes book cover
ISBN: 9780996881807

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This Book with title Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes published by published at 2014-10-22 is very good with you if you want book about Health & Fitness / Diseases / Diabetes, . This Book with title made by Laurie Endicott Thomas, with page thickness 270 Pages. you can see description at here

Do you find it hard to remember which type of diabetes is type 1 and which is type 2? French-speaking people have no such confusion. French-speakers use the term "thin diabetes" (diabète maigre) to refer to type 1 diabetes: the catastrophic form of diabetes that often strikes children but can arise at any age. Before the development of insulin therapy, thin diabetes was always fatal. French-speakers use the term "fat diabetes" (diabète gras) to refer to type 2 diabetes: the milder form of diabetes that results from being overweight. People with fat diabetes typically have abnormally high levels of insulin in the blood. However, their body is resisting the effects of that insulin in an attempt to avoid storing even more fat in the fat cells. In other words, fat diabetes is the body's way to avoid getting even fatter on a fattening, fatty diet. The surprising solution to this problem is to each more starch (more bread, rice, and potatoes) and much less fat. Many diabetics have been told to avoid eating starchy foods, because starches are broken down into sugar during digestion. Yet scientists have known for more than half a century that a low-fat, high-starch, purely plant-based (vegan) diet is the key to reversing type 2 diabetes and improving the health of people with type 1 diabetes. A low-fat vegan diet also helps to prevent or even reverse many other common diseases, such as coronary artery disease. Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes provides clear explanations of the causes and treatments of all kinds of diabetes, including the rare genetic forms. It also provides recipes and useful tips for meal planning.

Thin Diabetes, Fat Diabetes

Tags: Health & Fitness / Diseases / Diabetes,