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Book Preventing Heart Disease and Strokes Naturally released by published in date 2021-02-18 is very recomended to you if you search book about . Title book writed by John Nelson, with page thickness 344 Pages. you can look sort description at here

One of the greatest issues in diabetes is "disbelief," or denial. Diabetics cannot accept the fact that the symptoms they experience, if any symptoms are experienced, are as serious as they actually are.

Most reason that the symptoms will simply go away after time. Unfortunately, most of the serious damage that diabetes causes produce no symptoms at all; diabetes is a very dangerous progressive disease. The same is true for heart disease. One of the problems is that the symptoms that do appear vary in intensity from one person to the next. The symptoms of developing heart disease are:

Severe or uncomfortable pressure in the chest area (center) Moderate or severe indigestionPain in the neck, shoulders, or arms Weakness or excessive fatigue Heart palpitationsPaleness, cold sweat, and anxiety

A person does not have to experience all of these symptoms to be experiencing a heart attack; in fact, as you will later learn, some diabetics experience silent heart attacks where no symptoms develop. If any one or more of the above symptoms should occur seek medical help immediately.....

Preventing Heart Disease and Strokes Naturally
