[PDF] Primary Healthcare Programme for the Prevention for Diabetes in Mauritius Full Pages

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Title book Primary Healthcare Programme for the Prevention for Diabetes in Mauritius released by published in date 2017 recomended to you if you search book about . Book made by Sudhirsen Kowlessur, with count of page Pages. you can found book description at here

AbstractPrimary HealthCare Programme for the Prevention for Diabetes in MauritiusIntroduction: The findings of the continuing rise in the prevalence of diabetes in Mauritius mandates that current diabetes prevention activities are reviewed against the worldu2019s best practices as established both in developed and developing countries Diabetes Prevention Programme: A National Service Framework for Diabetes has been developed for the prevention, treatment and control of diabetes in MauritiusA Mobile Clinic Programme has been implemented to carry out screening for NCDs in the Community / Worksite / Secondary SchoolPhysical Activity Programme is being enhancedEmpowerment Programme are organized to empower Health Personnel and Community Health Leaders Some of the sensitization programmes are also backed up by the media campaignsSensitization Campaigns are organized regularly to sensitize the community at large NGOs complement the Ministryu2019s Diabetes Prevention ProgrammeNational Plans of Action on Physical Activity, Alcohol, Tobacco and Nutrition have been developedDiabetes Retinopathy Screening Service has been introduced since 2008Podiatry Service for persons with diabetes has been introduced since 2008 Tobacco Cessation Clinics have been put in placeFindings of the Mauritius Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Study which was a 3 year studyAchievements: The percentage of deaths due to heart diseases has decreased The prevalence of Diabetes has remain stablePre-diabetes have declinedHypertension prevalence has considerably improvedTobacco consumption has decreased Yearly capita consumption of alcohol has decreased There is an increase in prevalence in physical activity among both male and female adults aged 20 to 74 years. Conclusions: Various measures for the prevention of diabetes in Mauritius have been undertaken. However, though some positive points have been noted, yet more efforts are required to combat diabetes in Mauritius. Co-authorsS. Kowlessur1.1Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, NCD & Health Promotion Unit, Port Louis, Mauritius. Mr Sudhir Kowlessur, Chief Health Promotion and Research Coordinator is the Head of NCD and Health Promotion Unit at the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Mauritius. He is responsible to coordinate NCD and Health Promotion Activities at National Level. He is also involved in research and training programmes. Mr S. Kowlessur holds a MA in Health Promotion and Communication from Middlesex University, UK. He has been actively involved in the Mauritius NCD / Nutrition Surveys since 1987 and he also coordinated the Mauritius Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Study (2013 u2013 2016). He participated and made presentations at several International Conferences as follows: Diabetic Summit, Nairobi in Kenya, 5th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes in Helsinki, Finland, 20th World Diabetes Congress in Montreal, Canada, 6th World congress in Prevention of Diabetes in Dresden, Germany, 7th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications, Madrid, Spain, 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Helsinki, Finland, World Diabetes Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 8th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complication, Colombia, 9th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complication, Atlanta, USA, World Diabetes Congress, Vancouver, Canada. Mr Kowlessur is the Co-Author of publications resulting from analysis of data on the Mauritian studies on Diabetes / NCDs in several journals such as the International Journal of Cancer, Obesity Journal, BioMed Research International Journal, Epidemiology / Health Services research Diabetes Care Journal, among others. He is also the recipient of First Prize for its creative and innovative solutions provided in the struggle against NCDs at the All Africa Public Sector Innovation Award 2010.Keywords: Diabetes advocacy.

Primary Healthcare Programme for the Prevention for Diabetes in Mauritius
