[Epub] The Diabetic Foot All Pages

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ISBN: 9780896039254

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This Book with title The Diabetic Foot released by published on 2002-03-04 is very recomended with you if you search book with category Medical / Clinical Medicine, Medical / Endocrinology & Metabolism, Medical / Surgery / General, . This Book with title authored by Aristidis Veves, John M. Giurini, Frank W. LoGerfo, with count of page 475 Pages. You can read book description bellow

In The Diabetic Foot: Medical and Surgical Management, a distinguished panel of clinicians-many practicing at the famous Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center-illuminate the successful new multidisciplinary approach now clearly required for the successful treatment of this medical problem. Drawing on the experiences of diabetologists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, infectious disease specialists, orthotists, plastic and orthopedic surgeons, the book clearly describes established techniques known to be effective. Also highlighted are the many emerging treatments that will affect diabetic foot care in the years ahead, including a new understanding of wound-healing pathophysiology and the recent introduction of growth factors and living skin equivalents.

The Diabetic Foot

Tags: Medical / Clinical Medicine, Medical / Endocrinology & Metabolism, Medical / Surgery / General,