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ISBN: 9781548052799

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Title book Prayer Bullets released by published at 2017-06-12 recomended with you if you search book about . Title book authored by Maureen Kanu, with page count 54 Pages. You can read description of the book at here

The Bible says "if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?"(Psalm 11:3). Foundation speaks of one's source, everyone born of a woman has a source and I can boldly say that everyone born of a woman has a wrong or faulty foundation, when things begin to happen to you and you can't understand or trace its cause, then a wrong foundation is speaking, people suffer for sins that they know nothing about, sins of the forefathers, hear what this passage of the bible says; ......"visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;"(Exo 20:5). Our fore fathers were involved in so many dark practices like idolatry, killing, occultism, gangsterism, drunkenness, all form of wickedness. Say to yourself "I will not suffer for what I don't know about" This book to help you with the right bullet/prayer point to help correct or destroy wrong foundation and get freedom from foundational bondage, this is part is mostly ignored by people and this is the most dangerous weapon used by the devil to cage the glory and destiny of people, so many people are experiencing different kind of challenges in life in every aspect of life. There are families that experience a particular kind of affliction within the family circle that is what I call EVIL FAMILY PATTERN, some of these afflictions like; 1, untimely death 2, a particular kind of sickness. For example stroke, diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, etc 3, poverty 4, late marriage, divorce, unstable marriage 5 failure and disappointment 6, childlessness, miscarriages, delay in conception, single sex children. 7, rise and fall etc Evil family pattern is associated with two things; 1, wrong foundation 2, curse When this is observed, then a monitoring familiar spirit is at work, most times it is from your foundation, it needs to be addressed. Some people might say I have been praying and I am not getting solution, listen to this; "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss....."(James 4:3). When you use the wrong prescription you get the wrong result. This book contains directed prayer bullets...pray these prayers with strength n faith and get your freedom. This prayer bullet will help put an end to these evil occurrences, when properly used in obedience, victory is sure. It is a spiritual warfare because the devil is on assignment which is to KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY and anyone that knows he doesn't want to be a victim of this, would stand up and fight. Don't just sit there and cry, crying doesn't bring solutions instead it brings about sickness, the Bible says "THE KINGDOM OF GOD SUFFERS VIOLENCE AND ONLY THE VIOLENT CAN TAKE IT BY FORCE." Stop going from pastor to pastor, church to church when you can fight and conquer... ENOUGH IS ENOUGH........POWER MUST CHANGE HANDS, this book is loaded with the most potent prayer bullets directed and positioned to destroy this evil and deliver you from that bondage ......stop crying and complaining, the solution is in your hands, use it ...stand up use this bullets and get your freedom today.

Prayer Bullets
