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DR. SEBI Treatment and Cures Book book cover
ISBN: 9781914135002

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Title book DR. SEBI Treatment and Cures Book promoted by published at 2020-10-23 recomended with you if you search book about . This Book with title made by M. S. Greger, with page thickness 120 Pages. you can found book description at the bottom

Are you looking for a new way to get healthy? Do you wish there was a way to overcome health problems without the damaging effects of modern medicine?
If you answer yes to either of these questions, then Dr. Sebi is who you need.

This is the first book in Dr.Sebi's Cure Series.

Dr. Sebi was a Honduran herbalist and healer who discovered that a simple diet could be the cure for so many illnesses in the world. Think about the number of auto-immune diseases there are, such as HIV and lupus. Doctors don't know how to heal those diseases. All that is available are medicines to help control them, which is great, but wouldn't it be great if there was something you could do that would get rid of the disease altogether? Dr. Sebi wanted that, and that's what he did.

Within these pages, you will learn:

  • How Dr. Sebi's treatment plan can help STDs like herpes and HIV
  • The reason why eliminating mucus can help with diabetes
  • Why hair loss no longer has to be permanent
  • Dr. Sebi's nutritional guide
  • Who Dr. Sebi is and his treatment philosophy

... And much more.

Understand that this may seem all too good to be true, or that it's telling you modern medicine is completely bad. You will find that Dr. Sebi never tells you to stop taking medicines prescribe by doctors. Instead, you will use his diet, products, and treatments, along with your doctor's orders to help you heal.

Right now, it's up to you to make the final decision. Stay exactly as you are right now. Fed up with how you feel, and unable to do anything about it, or buy this book and make changes your body will love you for.

DR. SEBI Treatment and Cures Book
