[PDF] Type 1 Diabetes in Adults Full Pages

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ISBN: 9780849326233

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This Book with title Type 1 Diabetes in Adults promoted by published on 2007-11-16 is very recomended to you if you want book with category Medical / General, Medical / Endocrinology & Metabolism, . Title book authored by Serge Jabbour, Elizabeth A. Stephens, with count of page 288 Pages. you can see description of the book at the bottom

Recent research in diabetes has proven Type 1 diabetes is no longer only a juvenile disease. It has been projected adult Type 1 diabetes will increase 40% from 1997-2010, and as our understanding of the pathogenesis of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes grows - it is apparent that some cases previously classified as Type 2 are actually adult onset Type 1 d

Type 1 Diabetes in Adults

Tags: Medical / General, Medical / Endocrinology & Metabolism,