Reading Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Diabetes For Free

Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Diabetes book cover
ISBN: 9781317905875

Reading Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Diabetes subtitle for free

This Book with title Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Diabetes released by published in date 2014-09-11 is very good to you if you find book with category Medical / Health Care Delivery, Medical / Nursing / General, . Title book made by Erica Whettem, with page count 64 Pages. you can see description of the book at the bottom

On the increase worldwide, diabetes is well recognized as a complex and challenging condition. This pocket-sized guide puts diabetes information at your fingertips, equipping you with the essential knowledge and skills to deliver effective day-to-day diabetes care competently and confidently.

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Nursing & Health Survival Guide: Diabetes

Tags: Medical / Health Care Delivery, Medical / Nursing / General,