[Epub] Compendium of Key Documents Relating to Human Rights and HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa For Free

Compendium of Key Documents Relating to Human Rights and HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa book cover
ISBN: 9780980265897

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Title book Compendium of Key Documents Relating to Human Rights and HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa released by published in date 2008 is very good for you if you want book with category . Book composed by with count of page 313 Pages. you can found description of the book at here

The Compendium of key documents relating to human rights and HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa is a collection, in five parts, of global, regional, sub-regional and national human rights instruments, policies, legislation and case law that are relevant to HIV and AIDS. In most instances, only excerpts pertinent to HIV and AIDS are provided. When applicable, reference is made to a source where the full text may be accessed. The Compendium is one of a series of tools developed by the AIDS and Human Rights Research Unit for the UNDP's HIV and AIDS Team at the Regional Service Centre in Johannesburg. These tools are aimed to reinforce the response to HIV of countries in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Compendium of Key Documents Relating to Human Rights and HIV in Eastern and Southern Africa
