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Title book What Is The 16 released by published in the year 2021-03-27 is very recomended for you if you find book with category . This Book with title composed by Fannie Witvoet, with page count 156 Pages. you can look description at the bottom

Intermittent fasting weight loss is a type of diet that's rapidly growing in popularity, and becoming the way to lose weight. Scientists and nutrition experts like it, too. 16/8 intermittent fastings involve eating only during an 8-hour window and fasting for the remaining 16 hours.
The only thing to do is to organize your day in order to have fasting periods, and periods in which you can eat. 16/8 intermittent fastings also have many benefits including diabetes prevention, brain, and heart health, weight loss, and muscle mass building. Do not worry if it seems strange, in the book, everything is clearly explained, and the author will also talk about the other types of intermittent fasting in order to leave you the freedom on the choice that suits your situation.

Here's what you'll find:

  • All you need to know about IF history, what is it? How does it work?
  • The scientifically explained benefits!
  • Disadvantages, What they don't tell you.
  • Is the 16/8 method the best? Differences between women and men
  • The other most used methods in the world of fitness
  • Are you sure that intermittent fasting is the right thing for you? Find it out
  • How to combine it with the keto diet for incredible results
  • Chapter Bonus: Workout routine + Delicious Healthy Recipes
  • and much more...

What Is The 16
