[Epub] Eat, Drink and Still Shrink Full Pages

Eat, Drink and Still Shrink book cover
ISBN: 9781760783358

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This Book with title Eat, Drink and Still Shrink released by published in date 2019-08-06 is very recomended with you if you search book about Cooking / General, . This Book with title made by Michele Chevalley Hedge, with page thickness 224 Pages. you can look description of the book bellow

Like you, Michele Chevalley Hedge wants to be able to eat delicious food, enjoy the odd glass of pinot and still feel great. Here she draws on all the latest research and many years' experience as a nutritionist to provide a solution that works for the average busy person who wants to be healthy. In our busy lives, healthy eating can often slip down our list of priorities, and when we do have time to focus on it, the sheer amount of information and advice can be overwhelming. But if we're not eating well, we feel the impact in every part of our lives. We all know a poor diet can lead to weight gain, the development of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, but it also affects our moods, our ability to sleep well and our energy levels - in short, everything we need to function well in this modern age. So, what's the answer? Certainly not deprivation; all the science tells us that 'diets' (especially the extreme, yo-yo variety) don't work. What the science does show is that eating a balanced diet of nourishing wholefoods - with the odd treat thrown in - is your ticket to ageing well,a lean healthy body, a sense of vitality, abundant energy and better brain function. This book is not about yo-yo dieting or trying to fit into your jeans by Friday. It's a balanced and sustainable way of eating for long-term good health.

Eat, Drink and Still Shrink

Tags: Cooking / General,